Proxy Information

Shareholder FAQ
You should have received an email from by Monday, May 1, 2023, that will have your unique Shareholder ID. If you do not see it in your inbox please make sure to check your spam/junk folder. If you did not receive an email, please fill out the Shareholder ID Request form below and allow for 1-2 business days for the office to reply.
Every primary shareholder who goes online, votes their proxy and provides their current contact information including email address is entitled to receive one (1) 10-day gate pass, regardless of the number of certificates or shares he/she may hold. If you are completing the gate admission request please makes sure to include the Shareholder’s contact information only. The gate pass is good for all 10 days of the Fair.
Passes will be emailed and they can be printed out or saved to your mobile device. Please see the PDF labeled Proxy instructions on how to print or save your 10-day gate pass.
In the email you receive with your Shareholder ID, you will see a big red button that reads “Vote your Proxy and Claim your 10- Day Gate Pass”. That will take you to our online voting page to vote your proxy and claim your gate admission pass.
The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting will take place on Monday, June 5, 2023 starting at 5:00 PM in the Dover Building.
As a shareholder, you and your spouse are invited to be our guest at the dinner free of charge.
Friends and other family members who are not shareholders are invited to purchase tickets at the door. Adults are $14, children 5 and younger $7. We accept cash, check, or credit card.