DE State Fair logo in white

JULY 17 - 26, 2025

JULY 17 - 26, 2025


board of Directors

The impressive 80 member Board of Directors of the Delaware State Fair, Inc. is comprised of residents from all three counties of Delaware, each making a heartfelt commitment to the Fair. Since its inception in 1919, individuals like the Board of Directors directly contribute to the success of the Fair.

According to the Bylaws of the Delaware State Fair, Inc., each Director shall be a holder of at least one share of stock in the corporation. Additionally, each Director shall be elected for a term of one year, except as otherwise provided by herein or required by law, or until their successors are elected and duly qualified. The members of the Board are also considered for a seat on one or more committees set forth, with a Chairman designated for each.

The committee meetings are designed to directly contribute to a specific area of growth within the Fair’s business. In addition, the Board of Directors may include Honorary Directors, who shall have all of the rights and privileges of Directors but shall not have the right to vote on any corporate matter, and shall not be obligated to attend the minimum number of meetings required in the bylaws. To qualify as an Honorary Director, a candidate therefore shall be a shareholder of this corporation who has performed long and meritorious service for the Fair, and said candidate shall be elected to said position by the majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Additionally, within the bylaws, the Board of Directors shall delegate any and all powers of the Board which may be lawfully delegated in the management of the business and affairs of the corporation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board is comprised of the Officers of the Board, the Committee Chairmen, four members of the Board of Directors elected by majority vote of the Board of Directors, and two members of the Board of Directors appointed by the President.

To be considered as an applicant to the Board of Directors, please send a current resume and letter of interest to the Fair Office to “Attention: Nominating Committee Chairperson”. These can be mailed to PO Box 28, Harrington, DE 19952 or emailed to For due date each year, please contact the Fair office. 

Current Board

Brent M. Adams,Jr.               Danny Aguilar – Secretary      Joshua Bethard
W. LeRoy Betts
R. Bruce Betts
Jacob Blacksten
Robert Book, II
Mark Breeding-4th Vice President
Harold K. Brode
Robert Brode
Josef A. Burger
Arthur B. Cahall III
L. Aaron Chaffinch
Jeff Chambers
Hon. Kenneth S. Clark, Jr.-1st Vice President
Kristin Cook
C. Douglas Crouse-Treasurer
John M. Curtis, Jr.
Jeanie DeLeo-3rd Vice President
William J. DiMondi
R. Ronald Draper-President
Jason Hall
Marian Handlin
Shante Hastings
John W. Hendricks
John W. Hickey
Karen Hutchison
Ronald W. Jarrell
William G. Jester
Amy Jones
David G. Jones
Ruthi Adams Joseph
Hon. Harvey Kenton-2nd Vice President
Robert Killen
Todd Lawson

George Luff
Timothy Maloney, Jr.
Kenneth L. McDowell
Donald R. McLamb, Jr.
James W. Messick
James W. Messick, Jr.
G. Robert Moore, Jr.
Elizabeth (Betsy) Morris
Donna Mowbray
Nikki Mowbray
Russ Neal                              Bethany Orton                            Coulter Passwaters
Terry Pepper
Michael Petit de Mange
Harry E. Raughley
Anthony Richardson
Robert F. Rider, Jr.
Kaitlin Rogers
Lauren Ruskey
James M. Satterfield
Christopher Scuse
Michael Scuse
Denis Shaffer
Hon. F. Gary Simpson
Shelly Winkler Simpson      Amanda Smith                        Brian Somers
Samantha Steele
Robert Taylor
Dr. H. Wesley Towers, Jr.
Susan Truehart Garey
Deborah Vanderwende
Jesse Vanderwende
Jimmy Warren
Peni Warren
Michael Wasylkowski
Elaine Webb
Hon. David L. Wilson                   


Executive Board
W. LeRoy Betts
Mark Breeding
Hon. Kenneth S. Clark, Jr.
C. Douglas Crouse
Jeanie DeLeo
William J. DiMondi
R. Ronald Draper
Amy Jones
Hon. Harvey R. Kenton, Jr.
George Luff
Donald R. McLamb, Jr.
James W. Messick
G. Robert Moore
Harry E. Raughley
Robert F. Rider, Jr.
Christopher Scuse
Denis Shaffer
Hon. F. Gary Simpson
Peni Warren

Honorary Directors
J. William Andrew                      Joseph A. Burger                              Delbert Cain                              James L. Crothers
John Hukill

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